Danit Peleg's 3D-Printed Collection
Sponsored by Nouns DAO
Debuts at NFT Paris
This is a collection of five 3D-printed outfits inspired by Nouns art and funded by Nouns DAO.

Danit Peleg is a pioneer in 3D-printed fashion. She believe that the advancements in 3D printing technology have the potential to transform fashion design and production.

3D printing offers exciting new possibilities in the world of fashion and, with the added benefit of NFTs, my vision of being able to collect, download, and print clothing is getting close to reality.

Danit experimented with this collection with all the possible technologies that are available for 3D printing textiles today: FDM, Polyjet, HP’s Multi Jet Fusion & SLA.

This collection was entirely funded by Nouns DAO, a groundbreaking NFT project with an insanely creative community and a huge treasury that funds projects that spread its CC0 art (“No Rights Reserved”).

I invite you to explore the world of Nouns and find out how you can build with this exciting “open source” brand!