Soy un diseñador creativo visionario, conocido por mi capacidad para convertir conceptos en narrativas visuales cautivadoras. Mi profunda pasión por el mundo del diseño me permite crear historias convincentes a través de mi ingenio artístico.
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Soy una diseñadora creativa visionaria, y mi pasión radica en transformar conceptos en cautivadoras narrativas visuales. Con un trasfondo profundamente arraigado en el mundo del diseño, desarrollo experiencias que resuenan con el alma y cuento historias que perduran en la mente de quienes las ven.
Soy una diseñadora creativa visionaria, y mi pasión radica en transformar conceptos en cautivadoras narrativas visuales. Con un trasfondo profundamente arraigado en el mundo del diseño, desarrollo experiencias que resuenan con el alma y cuento historias que perduran en la mente de quienes las ven.
Mi viaje creativo comenzó con un profundo amor por todo lo artístico. Desde una edad temprana, me sumergí en el mundo de los colores, las formas y las texturas. Este amor pronto se convirtió en una búsqueda profesional, donde perfeccioné mis habilidades y canalice mi creatividad en el arte del diseño.
Mi viaje creativo comenzó con un profundo amor por todo lo artístico. Desde una edad temprana, me sumergí en el mundo de los colores, las formas y las texturas. Este amor pronto se convirtió en una búsqueda profesional, donde perfeccioné mis habilidades y canalice mi creatividad en el arte del diseño.
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Renovación del negocio local
Renovación del negocio local
Renovación del negocio local
Dirigí los esfuerzos de rebranding de un negocio local, supervisando el rediseño del sitio web, la creación del logotipo y los materiales de marketing. Este proyecto resultó en una imagen de marca moderna y atractiva para el cliente y un aumento en el reconocimiento de la comunidad.
Dirigí los esfuerzos de rebranding de un negocio local, supervisando el rediseño del sitio web, la creación del logotipo y los materiales de marketing. Este proyecto resultó en una imagen de marca moderna y atractiva para el cliente y un aumento en el reconocimiento de la comunidad.
[ Diseñador Web Principal ]
[ Mar 2019 - Present ]
[ Lo que YO HAGO ]
[ Lo que YO HAGO ]
Branding - Dirección de arte - Diseño web - Diseño de interacción
Branding - Dirección de arte - Diseño web - Diseño de interacción
Branding - Dirección de arte - Diseño web - Diseño de interacción
Branding - Dirección de arte - Diseño web - Diseño de interacción
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Renovación del negocio local
Renovación del negocio local
Dirigí los esfuerzos de rebranding de un negocio local, supervisando el rediseño del sitio web, la creación del logotipo y los materiales de marketing. Este proyecto resultó en una imagen de marca moderna y atractiva para el cliente y un aumento en el reconocimiento de la comunidad.
Dirigí los esfuerzos de rebranding de un negocio local, supervisando el rediseño del sitio web, la creación del logotipo y los materiales de marketing. Este proyecto resultó en una imagen de marca moderna y atractiva para el cliente y un aumento en el reconocimiento de la comunidad.
[ 01 ]
Renovación del negocio local
Renovación del negocio local
Dirigí los esfuerzos de rebranding de un negocio local, supervisando el rediseño del sitio web, la creación del logotipo y los materiales de marketing. Este proyecto resultó en una imagen de marca moderna y atractiva para el cliente y un aumento en el reconocimiento de la comunidad.
Dirigí los esfuerzos de rebranding de un negocio local, supervisando el rediseño del sitio web, la creación del logotipo y los materiales de marketing. Este proyecto resultó en una imagen de marca moderna y atractiva para el cliente y un aumento en el reconocimiento de la comunidad.
Dirigí los esfuerzos de rebranding de un negocio local, supervisando el rediseño del sitio web, la creación del logotipo y los materiales de marketing. Este proyecto resultó en una imagen de marca moderna y atractiva para el cliente y un aumento en el reconocimiento de la comunidad.
[ Diseñador Web Principal ]
[ Mar 2019 - Present ]
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The World's First 3D Printed Fashion Collection Printed At Home
The World's First 3D Printed Fashion Collection Printed At Home
The World's First 3D Printed Fashion Collection Printed At Home
¿Deseas potenciar tu presencia digital con tecnología de vanguardia e impacto social?
¡Ponte en contacto ahora y juntos daremos vida a tu visión creativa!
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From This to Times Square
From This to Times Square
From This to Times Square
The unbelievable documentary movie about how Danit's 3D printed fashion collection was made, and just one month later, it was featured in Times Square over 600 times
The unbelievable documentary movie about how Danit's 3D printed fashion collection was made, and just one month later, it was featured in Times Square over 600 times
The unbelievable documentary movie about how Danit's 3D printed fashion collection was made, and just one month later, it was featured in Times Square over 600 times
Coming Soon
The First
3D Printable
Fashion NFTs
The First
3D Printable
Fashion NFTs
The First
3D Printable
Fashion NFTs
Be a collector and unlock a folder of the 3D STL files of Danit Peleg's garments, with printing instructions And forever have the option to 3D print the garments by yourself.
Get Started
The First
3D Printable
Fashion NFTs
Be a collector and unlock a folder of the 3D STL files of Danit Peleg's garments, with printing instructions And forever have the option to 3D print the garments by yourself.
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[ 004 ]
¿Deseas potenciar tu presencia digital con tecnología de vanguardia e impacto social?
¡Ponte en contacto ahora y juntos daremos vida a tu visión creativa!
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Get Started
Danit Peleg at the BBC 100 Women
Danit Peleg at the BBC 100 Women
At the BBC 100 Women conference,
Danit shared how the fashion industry's vast waste and poor labor conditions demand radical change. With only 1% of garments recycled, the need for innovation is clear. Danit advocate for 3D printing as a revolutionary solution, offering a sustainable and ethical future for fashion.
Danit Peleg's TED talk +2M views
Danit Peleg's TED talk +2M views
Downloadable, printable clothing may be coming to a closet near you. What started as designer Danit Peleg's fashion school project turned into a collection of 3D-printed designs that have the strength and flexibility for everyday wear. "Fashion is a very physical thing," she says. "I wonder what our world will look like when our clothes will be digital."
3D-printed Fashion For Beginners
Online Course
3D-printed Fashion For Beginners
Online Course
3D-printed Fashion For Beginners
Online Course
Danit Peleg offers an innovative online course through her platform on Teachable, focusing on the future of fashion with 3D printing technology. The course is designed for anyone interested in merging cutting-edge technology with fashion design, providing insights into the tools, materials, and techniques needed to start creating 3D-printed garments. Students have the opportunity to learn from an industry pioneer and gain hands-on experience in this emerging field.
Danit Peleg offers an innovative online course through her platform on Teachable, focusing on the future of fashion with 3D printing technology. The course is designed for anyone interested in merging cutting-edge technology with fashion design, providing insights into the tools, materials, and techniques needed to start creating 3D-printed garments. Students have the opportunity to learn from an industry pioneer and gain hands-on experience in this emerging field.
Danit Peleg offers an innovative online course through her platform on Teachable, focusing on the future of fashion with 3D printing technology. The course is designed for anyone interested in merging cutting-edge technology with fashion design, providing insights into the tools, materials, and techniques needed to start creating 3D-printed garments. Students have the opportunity to learn from an industry pioneer and gain hands-on experience in this emerging field.
Leva Tamo
"I truly enjoyed the course, it absolutely surpassed my expectations. I've done some research about 3DP before, but I found Danit's course the most informative, fun and easily understandable resource on 3DP. I can't wait to see where 3D printing will take my creativity to!"
"I truly enjoyed the course, it absolutely surpassed my expectations. I've done some research about 3DP before, but I found Danit's course the most informative, fun and easily understandable resource on 3DP. I can't wait to see where 3D printing will take my creativity to!"
"I truly enjoyed the course, it absolutely surpassed my expectations. I've done some research about 3DP before, but I found Danit's course the most informative, fun and easily understandable resource on 3DP. I can't wait to see where 3D printing will take my creativity to!"
Mila Berga
"Danit teaches with knowledge and passion, opening up a vast field for designers of the new fashion. Showing us that is possible to make a more conscient and sustainable consume"
"Danit teaches with knowledge and passion, opening up a vast field for designers of the new fashion. Showing us that is possible to make a more conscient and sustainable consume"
"Danit teaches with knowledge and passion, opening up a vast field for designers of the new fashion. Showing us that is possible to make a more conscient and sustainable consume"
Anmol Khurana
"When I first heard about 3D Printed Fashion I got immediately curious about it and I started researching about it. I came across Danit's workshop and the things she has done in order to revolutionize this industry. It's going to be relevant soon that people will start making or buying clothes that are 3D printed. I'm glad that now i'm also a part of this revolution and I hope I can take forward the same enthusiasm to other people also"
"When I first heard about 3D Printed Fashion I got immediately curious about it and I started researching about it. I came across Danit's workshop and the things she has done in order to revolutionize this industry. It's going to be relevant soon that people will start making or buying clothes that are 3D printed. I'm glad that now i'm also a part of this revolution and I hope I can take forward the same enthusiasm to other people also"
"When I first heard about 3D Printed Fashion I got immediately curious about it and I started researching about it. I came across Danit's workshop and the things she has done in order to revolutionize this industry. It's going to be relevant soon that people will start making or buying clothes that are 3D printed. I'm glad that now i'm also a part of this revolution and I hope I can take forward the same enthusiasm to other people also"
As Seen On
As Seen On
As Seen On
Moon Creative Lab 2019- 2024
Moon Creative Lab 2019- 2024
Moon Creative Lab 2019- 2024
Developing the right materials for 3D printed fashion is our biggest challenge.
One of my important mission is to solve this challenge, Together with team in moon creative lab, I believe that soon we will have materials that will have similar properties to fabrics we know today.
Coming Soon
European Union’s Horizon 2020- 2021
European Union’s Horizon 2020- 2021
European Union’s Horizon 2020- 2021
CloudiFacturing, funded by the EU's Horizon2020 program, enhances SME competitiveness through cloud-based simulations. The research optimizes 3D fabrics printing to reduce costs and time. By upgraded Modax3D printer allows faster, 4 dual-head printing. Fashion designer Danit Peleg uses this technology for customized 3D-printed garments.
Gerber Technology 2016- 2019
Working with Gerber Technologies on an innovative research project has significantly impacted our use of AccuMark 3D. This tool enables fashion designers to visualize garments in 3D, unleashing creative vision and accelerating the design process. By integrating AccuMark 3D into our 3D printing workflow, we have been able to create a more professional and efficient workflow.
Gerber Technology 2016- 2019
Working with Gerber Technologies on an innovative research project has significantly impacted our use of AccuMark 3D. This tool enables fashion designers to visualize garments in 3D, unleashing creative vision and accelerating the design process. By integrating AccuMark 3D into our 3D printing workflow, we have been able to create a more professional and efficient workflow.
Behind The Scene
This post URL doesn’t seem correct.
Behind The Scene
This post URL doesn’t seem correct.
Behind The Scene
This post URL doesn’t seem correct.
Behind The Scene
This post URL doesn’t seem correct.
Danit Peleg
Whether you're interested in collaboration, have inquiries about the collections,
or simply want to explore the potential of 3D printed fashion, we'd love to hear from you.
Connect with us to start a conversation that could redefine the future of fashion.
Danit Peleg
Whether you're interested in collaboration, have inquiries about the collections,
or simply want to explore the potential of 3D printed fashion, we'd love to hear from you.
Connect with us to start a conversation that could redefine the future of fashion.
Danit Peleg
Whether you're interested in collaboration, have inquiries about the collections,
or simply want to explore the potential of 3D printed fashion, we'd love to hear from you.
Connect with us to start a conversation that could redefine the future of fashion.
Danit Peleg
Whether you're interested in collaboration, have inquiries about the collections,
or simply want to explore the potential of 3D printed fashion, we'd love to hear from you.
Connect with us to start a conversation that could redefine the future of fashion.
“Thank you for building such an empowering tool, especially for designers! The site went from Figma to Framer in less than a week.”
Kayla Ray